16 research outputs found

    Product Line-based customization of e-Government documents

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    International audienceContent personalization has been one of the major trends in recent Document Engineering Research. The "one docum ent for n users" paradigm is being replaced by the "one user, one document" model, where the content to be delivered to a particular user is generated by some means. This is a very promising approach for e-Government, where personalized government services, including document generation, are more and more required by users. In this paper, we introduce a method to the generation of personalized documents called Document Product Lines (DPL). DPL allows generating content in domains with high variability and with high levels of reuse. We describe the basic principles underlying DPL and show its application to the e-Government field using the personalized tax statement as case study

    Correlatos psicofisiológicos periféricos de regulación emocional

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    II Jornadas de investigación para los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la SaludIntroducción: La regulación emocional puede definirse como la capacidad para influir sobre qué emociones tenemos, cuándo las tenemos y cómo las experimentamos y expresamos. La mayoría de estudios se han centrado en la reevaluación cognitiva, básicamente utilizando medidas centrales (fmri o erp). Sin embargo, pocos trabajos se han interesado por los correlatos psicofisiológicos periféricos de estos procesos (por ejemplo, reflejo de sobresalto, actividad electrodérmica o variabilidad cardíaca). Método: Tomando como grupo de referencia a la población adulta, en este trabajo se realiza una revisión sistemática de estudios recientes que, utilizando metodologías diversas, aportan evidencia empírica acerca de distintos correlatos psicofisiológicos de regulación emocional. Resultados: El análisis de la literatura experimental permite observar una clara modulación del reflejo de sobresalto, en función de las instruccio- nes de la tarea (i.e., aumento o disminución de emociones negativas o positivas). De manera similar, la conductancia de la piel y la variabilidad cardíaca varían dependien- do del contenido específico y de las instrucciones de la tarea. Conclusión: Estos re- sultados sugieren que los correlatos psicofisiológicos periféricos son un índice fiable de regulación voluntaria del afecto, mostrando cómo ciertas estrategias (como la ree- valuación cognitiva) pueden modular las respuestas fisiológicas.Introduction: Emotional regulation is defined as the ability to influence what emotions we have, when we have them, and how we experience and express them. One of the most investigated strategies of emotional regulation is cognitiva reappraisal, basically using brain measures (fMRI or ERP). However, only a few studies have focused on peripheral psychophysiological correlates of these processes (e.g., startle reftex, electrodermal acivity or cardiac variability). Method: Here, we systematically review recent research focused on heallhy adult population that using diverse methodologies provide empirical evidence regarding different psychophysiological correlates of emotional regulatlon. Results: Results show that startle blink responses are modulated depending on the picture category and task instructions (i.e., increase or decrease of negative and positive emotions). Similarly, skin conductance and heart rate variability differ dependlng on the speclflc content and task instructions. Conclusion: These results suggest that peripheral psychophysiological correlates are a reliable index of voluntary regulation of affect, showing how certain strategies (such as cognitive reappraisal) can modulate physiological responses

    A framework for variable content document generation with multiple actors

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    “NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Information and Software Technology. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Information and Software Technology, Volume 56, Issue 9, September 2014, Pages 1101–1121 DOI10.1016/j.infsof.2013.12.006Context - Advances in customization have highlighted the need for tools supporting variable content document management and generation in many domains. Current tools allow the generation of highly customized documents that are variable in both content and layout. However, most frameworks are technology-oriented, and their use requires advanced skills in implementation-related tools, which means their use by end users (i.e. document designers) is severely limited. Objective - Starting from past and current trends for customized document authoring, our goal is to provide a document generation alternative in which variants are specified at a high level of abstraction and content reuse can be maximized in high variability scenarios. Method Based on our experience in Document Engineering, we identified areas in the variable content document management and generation field open to further improvement. We first classified the primary sources of variability in document composition processes and then developed a methodology, which we called DPL based on Software Product Lines principles to support document generation in high variability scenarios. Results - In order to validate the applicability of our methodology we implemented a tool DPLfw to carry out DPL processes. After using this in different scenarios, we compared our proposal with other state-of-the-art tools for variable content document management and generation. Conclusion - The DPLfw showed a good capacity for the automatic generation of variable content documents equal to or in some cases surpassing other currently available approaches. To the best of our knowledge, DPLfw is the only framework that combines variable content and document workflow facilities, easing the generation of variable content documents in which multiple actors play different roles.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under Grant TIPEx (TIN2010-19859-C03-03).Gómez Llana, A.; Penadés Gramage, MC.; Canos Cerda, JH.; Borges, MR.; Llavador Campos, M. (2014). A framework for variable content document generation with multiple actors. Information and Software Technology. 56(9):1101-1121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2013.12.006S1101112156

    Facing challenges in differential classical conditioning research: benefits of a hybrid design for simultaneous electrodermal and electroencephalographic recording

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    Several challenges make it difficult to simultaneously investigate central and autonomous nervous system correlates of conditioned stimulus (CS) processing in classical conditioning paradigms. Such challenges include, for example, the discrepant requirements of electroencephalography (EEG) and electrodermal activity (EDA) recordings with regard to multiple repetitions of conditions and sufficient trial duration. Here, we propose a MultiCS conditioning set-up, in which we increased the number of CSs, decreased the number of learning trials, and used trials of short and long durations for meeting requirements of simultaneous EEG–EDA recording in a differential aversive conditioning task. Forty-eight participants underwent MultiCS conditioning, in which four neutral faces (CS+) were paired four times each with aversive electric stimulation (unconditioned stimulus) during acquisition, while four different neutral faces (CS−) remained unpaired. When comparing after relative to before learning measurements, EEG revealed an enhanced centro-posterior positivity to CS+ vs. CS− during 368–600 ms, and subjective ratings indicated CS+ to be less pleasant and more arousing than CS−. Furthermore, changes in CS valence and arousal were strong enough to bias subjective ratings when faces of CS+/CS− identity were displayed with different emotional expression (happy, angry) in a post-experimental behavioral task. In contrast to a persistent neural and evaluative CS+/CS− differentiation that sustained multiple unreinforced CS presentations, electrodermal differentiation was rapidly extinguished. Current results suggest that MultiCS conditioning provides a promising paradigm for investigating pre–post-learning changes under minimal influences of extinction and overlearning of simple stimulus features. Our data also revealed methodological pitfalls, such as the possibility of occurring artifacts when combining different acquisition systems for central and peripheral psychophysiological measures

    Building Urban Resilience: A Dynamic Process Composition Approach

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    Urban resilience (also referred to as city resilience) has become a strategic goal of city administrators. Given the diversity of threats and city contexts, managing urban resilience is a complex task that has been conceptualized as a process by the so-called urban resilience frameworks proposed during the last decade. But conceptualization is not enough: an urban resilience building process may last for months, even years, and needs to coordinate many different actors using different tools. Therefore, some type of tool support is required for process control. In this paper, we introduce a proposal for the operationalization of urban resilience processes based on the notion of process family. The notion of family allows to deal with the natural diversity of urban resilience, and its transformation into a process specification allows the enactment, monitoring and measuring of the process. We have applied our approach to the well-known Smart Mature Resilience framework

    DPLFW: a Framework for the Product-Line-Based Generation of Variable Content Documents

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    International audienceDocument Product Lines (DPL) is a document engineering methodology that applies product-line engineering principles to the gen-eration of documents in high variability contexts and with high reuse of components. Instead of standalone documents, DPL promotes the defi-nition of families of documents where the members share some common content while differ in other parts. The key for the definition is the avail-ability of a collection of content assets which can be parameterized and instantiated at document generation time. In this demonstration, we show the features of the DPL framework (DPLfw), the tool that supports DPL. DPLfw implements the domain engineering and application engineering stages of typical product line engineering approaches, supports different asset repositories, and gener-ates customized documents in different output formats. We use the case study of the generation of customized emergency plans in a University campus [http://youtu.be/ueKGfmfkyI0]

    Turning Emergency Plans into Executable Artifacts

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    ISBN: 978-0-692-21194-6 Available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) LicenseInternational audienceOn the way to the improvement of Emergency Plans, we show how a structured specification of the response procedures allows transforming static plans into dynamic, executable entities that can drive the way different actors participate in crisis responses. Additionally, the execution of plans requires the definition of information access mechanisms allowing execution engines to provide an actor with all the information resources he or she needs to accomplish a response task. We describe work in progress to improve the SAGA's Plan definition Module and Plan Execution Engine to support information-rich plan execution

    Towards Digital Transformation of a City Resilience Framework

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    Improving city resilience is among the most challenging strategic goals for city administrators worldwide. To support their work, frameworks providing technical support and methodological guidance have been developed. Such frameworks define resilience improvement processes based on multidimensional resilience models to assess one city’s resilience level, plus a collection of policies to increase such level in different dimensions. Although some frameworks include software tools to support the process, their scope is limited to a particular step of the process, and global management is still done manually, hindering agility in the process. In this paper, we present our work towards the digital transformation of a city resilience framework. The use of process technology to specify and enact the process is combined with the application of model-based development techniques to provide interoperability of the different framework tools. We describe the architecture of the solution proposed, and the major features of our approach

    Una propuesta de aprendizaje para el desarrollo orientado a objetos de proyectos software

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    Actualmente, el perfil profesional de Ingeniero del Software exige unas capacidades básicas que la universidad española debe potenciar. En este artículo se presenta una propuesta de aprendizaje para el desarrollo orientado a objetos de proyectos software como una alternativa flexible para garantizar dichas capacidades. Nuestra propuesta plasma cuáles son las habilidades que se deben satisfacer para cada capacidad, indicando además las actividades básicas para su consecución y cómo realizar su seguimiento. Tras analizar los resultados de una aplicación real de dicha propuesta, y examinar sus ventajas e inconvenientes, podemos afirmar que se trata de una propuesta eficaz y recomendable.SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data (2005